Beyond Academics

Balancing primary learning with vibrant extracurricular activities for holistic education.

shallow focus photography of books
shallow focus photography of books

Yash Vidya Niketan is just not a school with primary learning of primary subject but it also holds a good session of extracurricular activities in their day school concept.

The school session is divided into primary learning and extracurricular activity sessions.

Indoor Sports

Celebrating holistic education through learning and vibrant extracurricular activities.

woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring
woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring
brown and black wooden board
brown and black wooden board
man dancing
man dancing
a close up of a person playing a musical instrument
a close up of a person playing a musical instrument

  1. Tabla

  1. Dance



Outdoor Sports

Celebrating holistic education through learning and vibrant extracurricular activities.

person standing on skateboard during daytime
person standing on skateboard during daytime
white and blue soccer ball on green grass field
white and blue soccer ball on green grass field
empty chairs in theater
empty chairs in theater
man in white uniform and white pants playing golf during daytime
man in white uniform and white pants playing golf during daytime





The day ends with thanking god for the learning that everyone gained the whole day along with the pride to be an Indian.